Thursday, September 30, 2021

Parker Crumrine- EOTO presentation review

 After watching the presentation of everyone's EOTO technology I feel like my understanding of certain features or devices I use on a regular basis was rather limited previously.  I felt most strongly towards this when I was listening to Ethan's presentation on Google.  Before attending High point I used Google as a resource for all of my questions or problems which could range from a score of a sports game to purchasing a movie using my credit card information.  

    My usage began to decrease after hearing how Google can track all of your information. Initially, I was only concerned about Google stealing certain important information such as my credit card so I reframed from using any kind of service on the web requiring me to use a credit card.  Ethan's presentation took this concern one step further by outlining how Google's ability to track all of our searches helps them gain a perspective of your personal identity. Your personal identity can compose of your beliefs, values, hobbies, family, and friends.  Knowing a search engine has the ability to capture a glimpse of all of these experiences makes me question what aspects of our lives are private. This can be even more of a concern when the internet is able to figure out real personal matters such as religious beliefs. The government's ability to determine people's religious beliefs hinders violating the FA law of Freedom of religion. More concerningly this new information has caused me to question what other search browsers or technology companies are hiding important information like this from the average citizen.      

    Something else I found fascinating about Ethan's presentation was learning about Google's DOJ lawsuit which involved Google paying Apple a certain amount of money to set Google as the default on every Macbooks Safari.  This information paints a negative reflection on Google's company because it shows their desire to remain at the top of everyone's search engines no matter the wrongdoings they fail to acknowledge.  Overall Ethan's ability to accurately and concisely portray the new information he learned about Google has caused me to feel differently about their company as a whole.

Friday, September 24, 2021

Parker Crumrine- Diffusion of thought


The diffusion of innovation is a theory aimed towards stating how, why and at what rate new ideas tend to become invented and are eventually spread to the outside world.  This theory states how 4 main elements influence the spread of new ideas which include the innovation itself, communication channels, time, and a social system.   All 4 of these factors are largely on display in the invention of the Radio.  In the early 1900s, people did not possess the ability to communicate with one another over any kind of distance. Knowing this Gugliemo Marconi an Italian engineer decided to invent a device that would revolutionize the world of communication for years to come.  This invention known as the radio provided the ability for people to communicate with others at any point in the day no matter where they were. The communication channels the radio provided at the time were the only around back in the day which would include music, sports, and the news itself.  The news provided and still does today an ability for us to hear what is happening around the world and how this affects us as a whole. Music provided us an opportunity for pleasure but also an ability to express ourselves. The ability music has towards expressing ourselves can be seen in the 1920s when African Americans used new forms of music such as The Blues or Jazz to express their challenges of slavery. The time between the invention of the radio and the modern-day has played a profound impact on the modifications the radio has undergone to still be as effective as it is today.  In the 1910s the radio was only used to communicate with people fighting in the war or aboard a ship. Soon after in the 1920s, the radio became available to the general public which gave them access to new features such as the ability to listen to the news, music, or sports at their own leisure. In modern-day times we see certain uses of the radio being incorporated into new technologies.  An example of this is our ability to enjoy features of the radio on our iPhone such as listening to a podcast or listening to music. While each of these factors has played a big role in the development of radio no factor has mattered more than the benefits it has brought to our social system.  The radio has provided corporations the ability to market their products and communicate with a client remotely.  Uniquely the radio has also ushered in new industries such as news anchors, sports broadcasters. The radio has provided families the ability to communicate remotely, hear the news, and leisurely listen to music.  The past 100 years demonstrate to us the idea of radio spreading has been largely in part because of the other uses people saw it could play in everyone's life. A large majority of the population became an early adapter of this idea because it provided people with their first source of entertainment.  There were very few to no late adapters to the radio in large part because the advantages of having one far outweighed any minor disadvantage there was about having one.  While modern-day technology such as social media platforms offer certain disadvantages due to lack of security the radio did not possess any kind of problem relating to that. Overall the radio contribution to each of these 4 elements has contributed vastly towards its success in the past, currently in the present, and in the future. 

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Parker Crumrine- right to privacy


Growing up in an era where the development of technology has never been more rapid and more essential to our lives a question I tend to ask myself is whether or not my privacy is being violated on a daily basis? Unfortunately after watching the Ted Talk videos I not only know my privacy is at risk while using these devices but as I perform daily activities. These activities could range from driving my car, commenting on a friend's Instagram post, or even calling a loved one on my phone.   Casually overhearing someone say this on the street might cause me to take a pause for a second but think nothing about it afterward however hearing real-life experiences about lives damaged from the uses of technology makes me more concerned. The one example significantly resonating to me involved the NYPD license plate readers by a mosque to determine who is attending the services. As someone who is religious my beliefs and where I go to practice my faith should be a completely private matter concerning only myself.  Beyond the fear, it instills this specific act is flirting with violating our first amendment right to practice our religion freely.    Another issue discussed in one of the TED TALK videos involved a women's ex-husband verbally harassing her online. The harassment involved threats along with inappropriate images of her body. The abuser by verbally abusing his ex-wife has not only shared images without her permission but in doing so has portrayed a new identity of this woman.  Similarly, when people post a picture of themselves on Instagram or Facebook they create an image for themselves to the public world to see.  As someone who regularly uses social media hearing yet another example of someone's life affected by another user encourages me to monitor who I am around and what I'm posting.  Hearing how the government has the ability to obtain any kind of information on you affects not only my privacy but the safety of myself, my family, and my friends.  Hearing how strictly the government is able to monitor you today through technology makes me wonder the abilities they will be able to possess by the time I have children of my own.   In order to prevent these invasions of privacy, the government should be more selective towards the people they incorporate these surveillance features on. These people should only be someone who has helped or committed an illegal crime gained towards harming someone.  In order to limit the invasion of privacy, we must limit our presence on social media and prevent sharing important information such as details about our credit cards with websites.  Overall learning this new information has caused me to rethink what actions I can take to keep my identity as secure as possible.    

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Parker Crumrine- 8 values of free expression

Every 8 values of freedom expressed interpret important ideas each of us has seen or dealt with on a personal level at some point in our lives.  The one most applicable to my journey thus far in life is the check on governmental power.  The check on government power should take place when the government is overreaching your ability to make your own decisions through requirements or censorship. This specific value of free expression has been interpreted in the past through events such as Watergate.  More modernly we see the importance of this value of freedom in our own lives. This can be seen through the variety of approaches we see state governors, senators and the president of the United States take towards the coronavirus pandemic.  In New York, Mayor Blair De Blasio is requiring every person to have proof of vaccination if they wish to enter public venues such as a restaurant or a bar.  This law is violating the freedom of the citizens of the City of New York in two aspects.  First, he is violating the first amendment by enticing people to get the COVID 19 vaccine by restricting people from doing everyday activities if they do not get the shot.  Secondly, this mandate prohibits privately owned businesses such as restaurants from making their own decisions by restricting them to abide by the rules of the governor.  In retrospect, Florida Governor Ron De Santis took a different approach by signing senate bill (SB) 2006. This is landmark legislation taking aim towards lockdowns and requiring vaccine passports for citizens.  Desantis unlike De Blasio recognizes the personal freedom we have expressed in our 1st amendment and knowing this is not requiring us to get a vaccine.  Government overreach can also be seen in different ways in states such as California.  From March 2020 until June 15 2021 churches in California were not open for worship for people in the state of California.  The 1st amendment states that every person has freedom of religion which means every person has a right to practice their religion freely which involves going to church for Christians. Governor Gavin Newson by reopening strip clubs before churches usurped this right from the people to practice their religion freely.

Government interference can also be seen on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. This can be seen more notably through censorship which involves a social media platform removing a post you made or removing you from the platform because of a certain viewpoint expressed that does not line up with their belief on a situation.  This function is violating our first amendment right of free speech through censoring our opinions because they don't align with the viewpoints expressed by the social media platform.  Another way government interference affects social media companies is through political advertising.  Political advertising can entail anything from an ad promoting a certain political party to a celebrity openly promoting their political beliefs on other people. Celebrities and companies openly promoting their political beliefs are not violating any 1st amendment terms however it is promoting these ideas to the younger crowd as a whole. While government interference can be expressed in different ways our call as citizens should be to remain truthful and faithful towards our beliefs and values.

Parker Crumrine- EOTO Radio

 Beginning of Radio:

While the overall belief on who invented the first radio is a tad confusing several men made key contributions towards the development of the radio today. Before the radio was invented people had no ability to communicate with one another beyond talking to someone in person. The radio also provided the ability to hear the news while it was happening live rather than hearing about an event weeks later.   The first step towards the invention of the radio was done by Henrich Hertz a German physicist who discovered you could transmit and receive electric waves wirelessly.  While Hertz did not invent the actual radio his contribution helped pave the way for future ideas. This can be seen most prominently from Nikola Tesla's beginning to transmit electromagnetic energy in 1892. The following year Tesla made his first public demonstration of radio in St Louis.  A few days before Tesla publicly demonstrated the effects of the radio in public he made a speech in February of 1893. Tesla's speech known as "On light and Other High-frequency phonemon" showed radio signals sent through space to receivers.  In 1894 an Italian inventor/ engineer Guglieno Marconi was astonished by the concept of transmitting electric waves.  Building upon the ideas first demonstrated by Hertz and developed from Tesla Guglieno Marconi was determined to take this one step further.  Marconi was determined to take this further by attempting trans-Atlantic communication.  A year later Marconi was able to accomplish this by setting up a wireless station off of the island of Wright which allowed Queen Victoria to send messages to Prince Edward on the Royal yacht.  Marconi's greatest work was demonstrated on an event he was not involved in.  On April 14th, 1912 Marconi's radio operator hooked up to the Titanic ship was able to summon a nearby ship RMS Capatharia to pick up 700 survivors from the wreck.  Each of these man's legacies has played a profound role in how the radio affected the following decades. 

Development/usage of Radio:

As radio began to develop so did its usage and its popularity around the world. This rise of popularity existed from the 1920s to-1950s and was known as the golden peak of the existence of the radio. Uniquely the popularity of radio played a different effect on each decade. During the early days of the existence of the radio, it was primarily used for communication overseas. This changed in the 1920s when our economy was experiencing an economic boom.  The public world began buying Radio during this time because it was the cheapest form of public entertainment. While providing entertainment the radio also provided another way to use advertisement to promote excelling business industries such as the automobile industry.   Along with affecting the advertisement industry radio also affected the music industry in the 1920s.  In the 1920s music presented a wide variety of options for viewers such as Jazz, blues, dance band, and ragtime.  The radio's ability to introduce these different kinds of music allowed African Americans to express part of their culture with the hopes they could become better respected throughout the community.  The radio presented the only way for people to listen to this music on a leisurely basis.  Radio station shows also expressed mixed representation of African Americans such as Amos and Andy which was performed by white men imitating African Americans.  On the other hand, the show called All Negro hour performed by Chicago's CSNBC helped present a better representation for African Americans. After the 1920s our economy was expressing an economic recession in the 1930s. This recession led to more leisure time with less money to spend. During this turbulent time period for Americans, radio served as both a way to escape reality along with the ability to keep up with events such as the dust bowl. President FDR noticed the popularity of radio and used it to promote himself through a series known as Fireside chats. Fireside chats would attempt to gain public support for his programs along with providing up-to-date news on events.  In the 1940s our nation was dealing with WW2 against Germany and Japan.  The radio played 2 separate roles among the citizens and fighters during the war.  For the men fighting during WW2, the radio gave them the ability to communicate with one another wherever they were.  For everyday citizens, the radio provided an opportunity for them to hear live updates on events going on in the war such as the bombing of Pearl harbor or when Hitler invaded Poland.  Radio's profound effect on these decades signifies the role it has played towards our world being the way it is today.

Effects of radio today:


While modern-day technology is far more advanced than what was provided to us in the early 1900s when the radio was invented it still has a big use for us today.  Uniquely despite all of the developments in modern-day technology the usage of radio has not died out but rather has changed. With the invention of TVs, Iphones, and developments in the car industries the usage of the radio has become more portable. Unlike 50-60 years ago today you can listen to the radio when you are on your phone, watching the TV, or driving your car. The development of the radio has also prompted many of the inventions of many of these industries. A large aspect of the invention of the iPhone was the ability to communicate with someone while enabling features such as apps.  Almost 100 years later we still enjoy many of the same features on the radio as we do on our iPhones or on the TV such as calling, listening to music, broadcasts, and podcasts.  The development of radio made it possible for these ideas to become incorporated into modern-day technology such as TVs, Iphones, or IPads. The invention of the many features of the radio prompted other sources of technology to become invented such as TV's iPhones and computers.  While modern-day technology has provided us alternate ways to gather information rather than the radio we still see the radio play a preeminent role in our society today.  One way we can see it is through many of the careers people have landed involving radio stations.  Many mainstream TV channels such as ESPN, Fox News, CNN provide radio stations as part of their viewership platform.  Additionally, many people have jobs that are only involved in them being an anchor for the radio station.  Radio stations also act upon as a means of communication for local events such as business, sports games, business advertising, and news.  Regarding more modern-day examples radio stations provide a way to report from the local hospitals, interview the nurses or doctors while speaking about the updated Covid 19 cases. When we encounter disasters much of our ability to act upon the disaster stems from our ability to report the matter at hand.  Radio signals provide immediate communication between the person at the site and the people who are hearing the news at hand.  The adaptations the radio has endured throughout its 120-year existence speak to the importance it played in our society from the early 1900s to today.  

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Parker Crumrine- Supreme Court Blog Post 2

While I understood the Supreme Court to be the most powerful branch of government in the world I did not understand the role historical events played towards this. One of these events involves John Marshall's role towards the court gaining respect as a coequal branch of government.  This occurred through hearing about the first controversial case which involved whether or not it was constitutional to strike down a member of congress. Marshall responded to this statement by stating "It is emphatically the province and duty of the Judicial Department to say what the law is." Marshall is stating how it is the Supreme court's job to rule what the function of each law is when they conflict with one another.  The most important takeaway from the supreme court is the unspoken contact for freedom existing between the court's relationship towards the constitution along with the people.  This is interpreted as the court's willingness to grant each person the same individual consideration towards certiorari no matter what their background is. The most surprising aspect of the supreme court is the complicated reputation it garnered in its past. This can be seen most clearly in the Dred Scott case when Dred Scott claimed his freedom over an act in congress. The court quickly ruled against this stating how congress has no right to ban slavery and how blacks could never be citizens. This example also exemplifies the role the constitution has played in interpreting the court's moral beliefs.  This video broadened my understanding of the supreme court through hearing about the process of working in the supreme court from each justice's point of view. I found it interesting to hear about some of the challenges and common misconceptions they face working in the court on a daily basis. A common challenge faced involves the concern for your opinion to change because of how you viewed a certain matter in a previous case. The majority of the misconceptions caused by the court is through a process called public reporting which is when something is done on the supreme court justices is completely misleading compared to what they have actually done. An example of this is when the media reports the supreme court does not take a case and the media reports the case was upheld. Hearing about the amount of thought, time, and care each justice takes towards reviewing a case helped me gain more of an appreciation for the work they put towards each case. Overall through learning more about the court's past and hearing perspectives from each justice I can gather a new understanding and appreciation for what the court has meant for the Country as a whole.

Parker Crumrine- Final Exam blog post

 Background on my online presence: After looking myself up on the internet and evaluating the social media sites I have and the extent to wh...