Friday, October 22, 2021

Vaccine Mandates- Impact on FA law in the future

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Introduction: Over the past 18 months our country has endured a continual sequence of devasting events from COVID 19.  These include deaths, illnesses, businesses closing down.  On top of it all, we have governors, senators, mayors, and of course our president who are struggling between helping people's personal safety at the expense of regulating their freedom.  This struggle is most prevalent when the discussion about the COVID 19 vaccine emerges.  Since its emergence in December of 2020 the vaccine has generated three different categories of opinions from the people.  These are the people who are against themselves and others getting it, the people who may or may not get it but respect free choice, and the people who have gotten it and want everyone to get it.  Overall these viewpoints have had drastic events on people's livelihood in multiple ways.

Location of residence:  Many people over the past 18 months have moved to or stayed in certain places because of their governor's or senator's opinion on regulations over the Coronavirus.  This can be seen most notably in New York City where Mayor Blair de Blasio recently required a covid shot for anyone to enter a restaurant, movie theater, or bar. These restrictions have caused more of a lifestyle centered around protecting your own personal health at the expense of enjoying pre covid activities. Unfortunately, these restrictions have affected family life far beyond staying indoors more frequently.  Many children are losing valuable experience from being in a school where they can experience academic and social growth.  The social experience of going to school has a different effect on people of different ages.  For young kids in preschool not going to daycare or school could affect their ability to become potty trained or learn basic cognitive skills such as speaking properly.  While the Middle School years are seen as an incredibly awkward 3 years for many people the social experience is key for human development. In Middle school, you learn about important concepts such as Sex and you also experience a sense of social immaturity between you and your friend group.  Without having in person classes you risk children encountering that stage of social immaturity in High school rather than Middle school.  

Other states such as Florida and Texas have taken a much different approach to the shot.  Recently Governor Greg Abbot from Texas banned any private or public company from requiring any vaccine mandate for any of their employees.  Instead of requiring people to get a shot Abbot sees and respects the people's choice towards whether or not they deem it as necessary to get a Covid 19 vaccine.  This approach has allowed people living in Texas to enjoy aspects of pre covid life while still understanding the implications of a global pandemic.  These looser restrictions have caused Texas to experience massive growth as a state since the pandemic began.

My issue/ concerns with vaccine mandates:  First off I want to state how I respect your decision to either get vaccinated or to not get vaccinated because I understand every person has a different medical situation or concern over the vaccine which plays a role towards their decision to get the vaccine.  Unfortunately, many people have taken a different approach when approaching the vaccine.  On both sides, there is too much disrespect towards people who are either vaccinated or not vaccinated.  This disrespect can be seen in multiple ways through canceled culture or from our president, senators, or governors mandating vaccines.  While the intention of these people is to protect the general public by enforcing these rules they fail to recognize they are delivering this in somewhat of an authoritative manner.  This authoritative manner can be seen by people prohibiting you to enter places without being vaccinated or instructing you to get vaccinated without knowing anything about the shot. Unfortunately, certain people are pressing others to get the vaccine so much certain downsides or dangers regarding receiving the vaccine are being ignored.  The most prevalent out of all of these is the fact the vaccine has not yet been FDA approved.  Unlike other vaccines, this one has not been tested in a lab for multiple years so there is no guarantee it is safe for you in the short term or the long term.  

Why these mandates can impact FA law in the future:  While mandating someone to get a vaccine is not a direct violation of FA law many of the viewpoints inherited from this pose a real threat to violate aspects of FA law in the future.  For example, if the government views it as a right to tell you to get a vaccine they may view it as ok to instruct you to believe in a certain religion in the future.  As a citizen of this great nation this affects my rights as a citizen to be able to openly express what I believe in.  Overall knowing my FA rights as a citizen could be threatened in the future by our government makes me concerned about where our nation is heading.  

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