Thursday, October 7, 2021

Parker Crumrine- Age of AI Video documentary

 Fear, anxiety, concern are the three words I feel when I am describing my feelings about the development of technology around our world in the future.  Each of these feelings felt very real to me as I was watching this video.  My emotional feelings for this topic stem from several of the problems this new technology will cause towards the future of our country as a whole.

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 Effect on Work:  While technology in the modern-day has enhanced our ability to work whether it is communicating with someone remotely or using creativity on a PowerPoint project, this video has taught me to not expect this to continue.  The reason why this is not expected to continue is that machines or robots are expected to eclipse the intellectual level of human beings sometime in the near future.  Due to their intelligence, many of these machines or robots will be incorporated in some sort of role in job industries.  This will cause a high percentage of workers to be laid off because of the technologies ability to perform the task. I found it surprising to learn how some industries have already been affected by this such as the automotive industry which almost relies solely upon robots.  More concerning for the future this video mentions robots might be taking many of our desired white-collar jobs such as a reporting analyst.   As someone who desires to go into a career potentially involved in reporting this information frightens me.  

Effect on Personal Security: In our modern-day lives one of the biggest concerns we face today is our personal security.  Unfortunately thanks to platforms such as social media and google our personal security has never been more at risk.  The risk of incorporating more Artificial Intelligence into our lives will further damage our ability to have any kind of security in our lives.  This can be seen by seen from the use of facial recognition.  In the video, we are introduced to a system known as Megvii which is a facial recognition app used to identify people. I had no idea this app had the capability to spot out someone's age, gender, and what they're wearing in the span of a few seconds.  More concerningly this app provides an easier outlet towards enabling the government to spy on you from multiple locations.  As a whole, the incorporation of AI in features such as facial recognition will make our security even less secure in the future than it is today.  

Effect on families:  Economically speaking the increased amount of job layoffs will have a big impact on the livelihood of many families.  Many parents will be required to look for a new job opportunity they believe will not be replaced by a machine or robot.  The increased amount of job layoffs will decimate our middle class even further making the gap between the rich and the poor even larger.  Psychologically speaking effect of a greater amount of job loss will cause an increased amount of stress in family life.  This incorporation of new technology will also have a profound effect on our children in school.  If the children know there is a machine or a robot who has a greater ability to do their school work why would they bother trying.  Further, their ability to land a job in the future will be even greatly hindered by a lack of options due to the machines and robots.  

Overall takeaway: While it can seem exciting on paper to think there could be robots or new technology in the near future the cons might outweigh the pros of having them.  As a 19-year-old college student, I find it disappointing how new technology could hinder my basic values in the future such as personal security and a stable job.  

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