Thursday, October 7, 2021

Parker Crumrine- Antiwar

 Throughout our Countries history, any opinion opposing a certain belief the government had about a specific topic was oftentimes punished.  This can be seen back in the 1910s from many Americans being thrown in jail during WW1 for opposing the movement for getting involved in WW1.  More modernly we see our government censoring Anti War opinion.  A big way they have implemented this is through the accessibility to Anti War viewpoints we see on mainstream media stations.  Many mainstream media news sources such as CNN either oftentimes don't cover or don't express a strong enough opinion against the antiwar movement in our country today.  Despite this certain sources such as ANTI and American conservative provide informed and educated opinions on our involvement in wars overseas.  One of my favorite articles from Anti War. com is titled "Rural Afghans Hated Americans".  This article provides a first-hand account from Afgan citizens about the impact the US has played on the ongoing war climate in their country.  They credit the presence of the US army for keeping them safe from the Taliban for the last 20 years but they do bring up some of the bigger challenges the presence of the US troops has caused.  The main issue they cite is how the amount of damage and casualties the US army has caused in their hometown due to their airstrikes on land.  

Unfortunately, the damage Americans were causing in the City eventually prompted more people to join the Taliban to revolt against the US.  A prototypical mainstream news source would not cover this story out of fear of the government censoring their viewpoints.  Unfortunately, sources such as ANTI are obsolete because they are portraying an opinion that does not align with the governments' viewpoints on the situation.  In mainstream media, the governments' influence on the information shared with us prohibits our ability to become informed citizens.  Our inability to be informed over what is happening in the world today will further hinder our ability to form a viewpoint about a specific matter.  Overall our views and knowledge over situations will always be limited if our government continues to play such a substantial role in regulating what sources are viewed.


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