Thursday, October 14, 2021

Parker Crumrine- EOTO 2 presentation review


When listening to all of the EOTO presentations the one I took the most away from was the Mis info vs Real information. I felt like this presentation resonated with me and the entirety of Gen Z because many of us form believes based off of our parents or our friend's beliefs rather than doing our own research.   While listening to this presentation I found it helpful to learn the difference between Fake news and disinformation. Our speaker defined fake news as purposefully crafting something changed to meet a certain group.  Disinformation was defined as intentionally sharing wrong information.  Knowing the differences between the two is critical towards determining which one a certain news source is expressing.  This information has allowed me to determine most news sources use Fake news because their information is more modified towards appealing to a certain group of people rather than 100 percent factually incorrect.  After speaking out about the differences between the two our speaker articulated why we fall for fake news.  These reasonings were known as the 6 degrees of manipulation which include discrediting, emotion, polarization, impersonation, trolling, and conspiracy.  Often times many news sources use a headline or a certain tone of voice which helps express one of these degrees of manipulation.  

Knowing the danger each of us faces towards falling for fake information our speaker provided us methods towards distinguishing real news from fake news.  This method known as the Brian Southwell method outlines several different techniques we can implement towards determining whether the news you are receiving is fake.  The methods are: analyzing the information, identify the information, question the intent of the information, discovering if it is an authoritative resource and evaluating the information.  If we are able to utilize each of these 5 methods the next time we watch something on the TV or read an article we will be able to form our own opinion on a certain topic.  Overall this presentation has outlined important information I can use in the future when I am trying to determine whether a source is legitimate or not.  

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