Thursday, September 9, 2021

Parker Crumrine- Supreme Court Blog Post 2

While I understood the Supreme Court to be the most powerful branch of government in the world I did not understand the role historical events played towards this. One of these events involves John Marshall's role towards the court gaining respect as a coequal branch of government.  This occurred through hearing about the first controversial case which involved whether or not it was constitutional to strike down a member of congress. Marshall responded to this statement by stating "It is emphatically the province and duty of the Judicial Department to say what the law is." Marshall is stating how it is the Supreme court's job to rule what the function of each law is when they conflict with one another.  The most important takeaway from the supreme court is the unspoken contact for freedom existing between the court's relationship towards the constitution along with the people.  This is interpreted as the court's willingness to grant each person the same individual consideration towards certiorari no matter what their background is. The most surprising aspect of the supreme court is the complicated reputation it garnered in its past. This can be seen most clearly in the Dred Scott case when Dred Scott claimed his freedom over an act in congress. The court quickly ruled against this stating how congress has no right to ban slavery and how blacks could never be citizens. This example also exemplifies the role the constitution has played in interpreting the court's moral beliefs.  This video broadened my understanding of the supreme court through hearing about the process of working in the supreme court from each justice's point of view. I found it interesting to hear about some of the challenges and common misconceptions they face working in the court on a daily basis. A common challenge faced involves the concern for your opinion to change because of how you viewed a certain matter in a previous case. The majority of the misconceptions caused by the court is through a process called public reporting which is when something is done on the supreme court justices is completely misleading compared to what they have actually done. An example of this is when the media reports the supreme court does not take a case and the media reports the case was upheld. Hearing about the amount of thought, time, and care each justice takes towards reviewing a case helped me gain more of an appreciation for the work they put towards each case. Overall through learning more about the court's past and hearing perspectives from each justice I can gather a new understanding and appreciation for what the court has meant for the Country as a whole.

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