Thursday, September 16, 2021

Parker Crumrine- 8 values of free expression

Every 8 values of freedom expressed interpret important ideas each of us has seen or dealt with on a personal level at some point in our lives.  The one most applicable to my journey thus far in life is the check on governmental power.  The check on government power should take place when the government is overreaching your ability to make your own decisions through requirements or censorship. This specific value of free expression has been interpreted in the past through events such as Watergate.  More modernly we see the importance of this value of freedom in our own lives. This can be seen through the variety of approaches we see state governors, senators and the president of the United States take towards the coronavirus pandemic.  In New York, Mayor Blair De Blasio is requiring every person to have proof of vaccination if they wish to enter public venues such as a restaurant or a bar.  This law is violating the freedom of the citizens of the City of New York in two aspects.  First, he is violating the first amendment by enticing people to get the COVID 19 vaccine by restricting people from doing everyday activities if they do not get the shot.  Secondly, this mandate prohibits privately owned businesses such as restaurants from making their own decisions by restricting them to abide by the rules of the governor.  In retrospect, Florida Governor Ron De Santis took a different approach by signing senate bill (SB) 2006. This is landmark legislation taking aim towards lockdowns and requiring vaccine passports for citizens.  Desantis unlike De Blasio recognizes the personal freedom we have expressed in our 1st amendment and knowing this is not requiring us to get a vaccine.  Government overreach can also be seen in different ways in states such as California.  From March 2020 until June 15 2021 churches in California were not open for worship for people in the state of California.  The 1st amendment states that every person has freedom of religion which means every person has a right to practice their religion freely which involves going to church for Christians. Governor Gavin Newson by reopening strip clubs before churches usurped this right from the people to practice their religion freely.

Government interference can also be seen on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. This can be seen more notably through censorship which involves a social media platform removing a post you made or removing you from the platform because of a certain viewpoint expressed that does not line up with their belief on a situation.  This function is violating our first amendment right of free speech through censoring our opinions because they don't align with the viewpoints expressed by the social media platform.  Another way government interference affects social media companies is through political advertising.  Political advertising can entail anything from an ad promoting a certain political party to a celebrity openly promoting their political beliefs on other people. Celebrities and companies openly promoting their political beliefs are not violating any 1st amendment terms however it is promoting these ideas to the younger crowd as a whole. While government interference can be expressed in different ways our call as citizens should be to remain truthful and faithful towards our beliefs and values.

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