Thursday, September 23, 2021

Parker Crumrine- right to privacy


Growing up in an era where the development of technology has never been more rapid and more essential to our lives a question I tend to ask myself is whether or not my privacy is being violated on a daily basis? Unfortunately after watching the Ted Talk videos I not only know my privacy is at risk while using these devices but as I perform daily activities. These activities could range from driving my car, commenting on a friend's Instagram post, or even calling a loved one on my phone.   Casually overhearing someone say this on the street might cause me to take a pause for a second but think nothing about it afterward however hearing real-life experiences about lives damaged from the uses of technology makes me more concerned. The one example significantly resonating to me involved the NYPD license plate readers by a mosque to determine who is attending the services. As someone who is religious my beliefs and where I go to practice my faith should be a completely private matter concerning only myself.  Beyond the fear, it instills this specific act is flirting with violating our first amendment right to practice our religion freely.    Another issue discussed in one of the TED TALK videos involved a women's ex-husband verbally harassing her online. The harassment involved threats along with inappropriate images of her body. The abuser by verbally abusing his ex-wife has not only shared images without her permission but in doing so has portrayed a new identity of this woman.  Similarly, when people post a picture of themselves on Instagram or Facebook they create an image for themselves to the public world to see.  As someone who regularly uses social media hearing yet another example of someone's life affected by another user encourages me to monitor who I am around and what I'm posting.  Hearing how the government has the ability to obtain any kind of information on you affects not only my privacy but the safety of myself, my family, and my friends.  Hearing how strictly the government is able to monitor you today through technology makes me wonder the abilities they will be able to possess by the time I have children of my own.   In order to prevent these invasions of privacy, the government should be more selective towards the people they incorporate these surveillance features on. These people should only be someone who has helped or committed an illegal crime gained towards harming someone.  In order to limit the invasion of privacy, we must limit our presence on social media and prevent sharing important information such as details about our credit cards with websites.  Overall learning this new information has caused me to rethink what actions I can take to keep my identity as secure as possible.    

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