Friday, September 24, 2021

Parker Crumrine- Diffusion of thought


The diffusion of innovation is a theory aimed towards stating how, why and at what rate new ideas tend to become invented and are eventually spread to the outside world.  This theory states how 4 main elements influence the spread of new ideas which include the innovation itself, communication channels, time, and a social system.   All 4 of these factors are largely on display in the invention of the Radio.  In the early 1900s, people did not possess the ability to communicate with one another over any kind of distance. Knowing this Gugliemo Marconi an Italian engineer decided to invent a device that would revolutionize the world of communication for years to come.  This invention known as the radio provided the ability for people to communicate with others at any point in the day no matter where they were. The communication channels the radio provided at the time were the only around back in the day which would include music, sports, and the news itself.  The news provided and still does today an ability for us to hear what is happening around the world and how this affects us as a whole. Music provided us an opportunity for pleasure but also an ability to express ourselves. The ability music has towards expressing ourselves can be seen in the 1920s when African Americans used new forms of music such as The Blues or Jazz to express their challenges of slavery. The time between the invention of the radio and the modern-day has played a profound impact on the modifications the radio has undergone to still be as effective as it is today.  In the 1910s the radio was only used to communicate with people fighting in the war or aboard a ship. Soon after in the 1920s, the radio became available to the general public which gave them access to new features such as the ability to listen to the news, music, or sports at their own leisure. In modern-day times we see certain uses of the radio being incorporated into new technologies.  An example of this is our ability to enjoy features of the radio on our iPhone such as listening to a podcast or listening to music. While each of these factors has played a big role in the development of radio no factor has mattered more than the benefits it has brought to our social system.  The radio has provided corporations the ability to market their products and communicate with a client remotely.  Uniquely the radio has also ushered in new industries such as news anchors, sports broadcasters. The radio has provided families the ability to communicate remotely, hear the news, and leisurely listen to music.  The past 100 years demonstrate to us the idea of radio spreading has been largely in part because of the other uses people saw it could play in everyone's life. A large majority of the population became an early adapter of this idea because it provided people with their first source of entertainment.  There were very few to no late adapters to the radio in large part because the advantages of having one far outweighed any minor disadvantage there was about having one.  While modern-day technology such as social media platforms offer certain disadvantages due to lack of security the radio did not possess any kind of problem relating to that. Overall the radio contribution to each of these 4 elements has contributed vastly towards its success in the past, currently in the present, and in the future. 

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