Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Blog Post 1- Parker Crumrine

My Top 5 News sources in no order:

1. Fox News= https://www.foxnews.com/health/why-some-vaccinated-people-dying-covid-19

Fox News based out of New York City is widely known to be a conservative network containing anchors such as Tucker Carlson, Brett Bair, and Laura Ingram.  Despite this many of their news articles online provide holistic viewpoints of many of the issues surrounding our world.  Take an article discussing the high statistical rate of vaccinated people in the UK dying from Covid 19.  Instead of approaching the manner by bashing the vaccine and calling it ineffective, they cite fair reasons why the death rate is high.  They discuss how the majority of people dying from Covid 19 are elderly people who have underlying health conditions (Douglas 2021).  Fox also cites how the high statistical rate of vaccinations in the UK will affect the percentage of people catching the virus. They state how as the percentage of unvaccinated people becomes smaller it becomes more likely for people who are vaccinated to infect someone who is also vaccinated (Douglas 2021). Regardless of where I stand with the vaccine, this article cites some fair reasons why the rate of vaccinated people dying from the virus in the UK is high. While Fox News is certainly a bias source certain articles like this outlining fair points on hot topics make it a top news source for me.  

2.  FS1=https://www.foxsports.com/

FS1 based out of Los Angelos California is a channel that covers sports games and discusses the latest sports stories. Many of the sporting events they cover such as college football games and MLB games provide a high-quality analysis of the game as a whole.  I also enjoy listening to several of their podcasts such as the Herd and Undisputed with Skip and Shannon.  Each of these podcasts provides professionals who disagree with one another on information but make valid arguments on both ends.  Having the ability to watch live games or hear podcasts debating hot topics in sports makes FS1 a top news source for me.

3.  ABC News= https://abcnews.go.com/

ABC News headquartered in New York NY is a popular news source covering news from a local, domestic and international level. Having the ability to hear news from a local, domestic and international level provides me more of a holistic viewpoint on what is happening in the world as a whole.  Stations such as Fox News, CNN are well accredited but would serve well from taking an approach ABC News does.  ABC News is also an incredibly versatile station by covering sports as well.  Overall hearing news from a local, domestic and international perspective has been a great way for me to broaden my understanding of the world as a whole.

4.  ESPN= https://www.espn.com/

As someone who loves sports ESPN provides the most high-quality and up-to-date information on anything going on.  This could range from a specific trade occurring or off the field updates with players. Along with providing up-to-date information, ESPN has certain podcasts covering different sports such as Fantasy focus covering Fantasy football.  The versatility to listen to live updates on players or sports teams and listen to a variety of podcasts covering different aspects of sports makes ESPN a top source of news for me.

5. BBC News=https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p08w0j6t

BBC News is a well-respected international news source based out of London.  Since BBC is based out of the UK it provides different perspectives on issues happening around the world than stations in the US.  An example of this is a podcast they have titled how to spot disinformation surrounding the 2020 election in the United States.  Recognizing many of the news stations are bias towards certain political candidates BBC outlines how to spot political disinformation and foreign interference during the election cycle (BBC 2020).  Regardless of where every news source lies on their political beliefs, it is important for them to inform their users of accurate and fake information they could be viewing.    BBC's ability to discuss issues surrounding our world in an unbias manner makes it one of my top news sources.  

Parker Crumrine- Final Exam blog post

 Background on my online presence: After looking myself up on the internet and evaluating the social media sites I have and the extent to wh...